Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl

Welcome to my Lenore page. I am a big fan of Lenore, as you may have guessed. If you have already read this, or if you are impatient to get to the animations, you can skip to them now

If you are STILL reading this, you probably know that Lenore is a character created by Roman Dirge. You also probably know that she is a cute little dead girl. If you don't know these things, grab your car keys. I'll wait.

Got them? Good.
Now, go out and buy the trade paperbacks pictured below right now. I'll wait right here for you.

This reprints Lenore #1 - #4
This reprints Lenore #5 - #8
This reprints Lenore #9 - #12

Back? See? I told you I'd wait.

I have to admit, I'm very envious of you. You are about to get to meet Lenore for the very first time. I hope that you have as much fun as did I.

Now, while they are reading the comics, those of us that already knew about Lenore can move on. I don't think that we need to wait for the others; they'll catch up in their own good time.

So, we've established that you all know about Lenore. What you may NOT have known is that, several years ago, Sony optioned Lenore. They planned on making a Lenore movie, and they made 26 animated flash cartoons for their Screenblast web page.

While this all seems wonderful, things did not progress smoothly. Sony's vision of Lenore was so far removed from Roman Dirge's that he never was able to give his approval to any script. If you are curious, do a search about this. The Sony script idea was...well...let's just call it different, shall we?

At any rate, the movie was never made, and the movie rights to Lenore have reverted back to Mr. Dirge. Unfortunately, the rights to these animated bits of wonderment remain with Sony, and they don't appear to be doing anything with them other than sitting on them. I'd really like to purchase an offical disc with the cartoons on it, but such does not exist. In fact, there is nothing from any of the Sony divisions I have contacted that would let you know that these cartoons were ever made. Thank goodness for the internet and for word of mouth.

I decided to track down all of the animated movies and put them together in one place. Many of them were stored on Russian cartoon web pages, which made it necessary to infiltrate foreign lands, cross borders without the proper papers, and commit daring raids and robberies... um, or I just downloaded them all after an extensive web search. I don't remember which.
I've been sick.

Oh, one last thing. I truly love the job they did with the voices in the cartoons. Now, I can't even read the comics without hearing the breathy little voice in my head. I've tried to find out who did the voices, but I'm having no luck. If any of you have any information, I'd be happy to get it.


What is too big on one monitor may be too small on another. As such, I've made two different pages for the animations. The movies are the same on each page; they are just bigger on one of them.

If you have your resolution set to 1024x768 or smaller, go here.

If your resolution is bigger than 1024x768, you may want to try here.

One additional note: Sometimes the loading screen doesn't appear, and sometimes it makes some odd noises while loading. Give it a few minutes in each case, and the animation should still run.

This page is here to provide us all with fun and entertainment, and to bring the creation of Roman Dirge (and Sony) to a wider audience. Also, to be clear, I am in no way making any money off of this. So nobody sue!

Needless to say, should a representative of Sony or Mr. Dirge contact me, I'll take down the site.